Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year, even though Christmas day felt so hectic. We ended up being gone the entire day! Lily was a little more excited than last year, so that made it more fun. She definitely got spoiled by everyone, so did the boys.

Opening presents from Santa... not quite sure Christmas is fun yet. It took her a while to warm up to the idea. She kept insisting only one of the presents Santa brought was hers.  She said the rest were for her brothers and her "swiends." (friends)  By the end of the day she was a pro at unwrapping presents! She even helped Jet and Jax unwrap theirs!

Lily made McKade sit in her new tent she got from Mimi and Grandpa Dave and put together a puzzle.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

New do

Lily's hair has been driving me crazy lately. I finally decided to have auntie Jill chop it all off! Lily loved all the attention, and did just what Jill asked her to do. It turned out so cute and it is so much easier to do! I have told Lily over and over that Jill is the ONLY one who cuts our hair... I'm terrified she'll grab the scissors one day and hack it all off....

Her hair was so long, I think we ended up cutting off about four or five inches! It looks much better, I think :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas parties...

We started out the week with two Christmas parties, the Wagner party and the cookie party with the Colledge fam! We had the annual nativity with the Wagner fam, this is the 50th year in a row they have done it!

This was Lily's first year participating in the nativity, she was a shepherd.

Cute Mary and Joesph

My sister, brother, and McKade

The next night we headed up to TeNeales for the cookie party! Grandma Leslie had taken Lily up earlier in the day, when we got there with the boys these kids we covered in flour!

Rolling out the dough

Lily decided she'd rather just eat the frosting than frost the cookies

Monday, December 13, 2010

One potato two potato

Last night me and McKade were in the living room getting the boys ready for bed. I could hear Lily in the kitchen getting into the fridge, but I just ignored her. A few minutes later I hear a chair being pushed across the floor, this usually means trouble. She has discovered she can push a chair from the kitchen table over to the counter and use it to climb onto the counter and get in to things. When I got up to see what she was doing, this is what I found...

Yep, those are potatoes on the floor. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "washing tatoes." Huh? Then I remembered that like, two weeks ago we had baked potatoes for dinner and I had her wash them off. She remembered, and she refused to go to bed until every potato in the bag was washed.

When she was finished she said "your welcome mommy!" then left the kitchen to go to bed. Gee, umm thanks.. :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Four Months!!

We're four months old! We are growing and learning to do lots of fun things.. like laying on our play mat and grabbing at toys, rolling over (Jax only), and belly laughing at our goofy daddy, sleeping 7 hours at night, and taking three hour morning naps! This makes mommy so happy she doesn't know what to do with herself, big sister has never in her life taken a three hour nap! Four month stats...
Jax: 13lbs 9 oz   25 inches long      
Jet: 13lbs 5 oz    25 inches long

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Festival of Trees

We went to the festival of trees with grandma Leslie and TeNeale and her girls to see aunt Collettes beautiful tree. It was fun to walk around and see all the trees, and the girls we all really good. Don't Chloe and Lily look thrilled?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Best Buddies

Lately whenever the boys are laying next to each other, they always try to hold hands. It's so stinking cute! Jax always tries to eat Jets hand too. I couldn't get a picture of that, because Jet doesn't put up with it for very long. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New pictures and baby blessing

 I had some long overdue pictures of Lily taken. I'm surprised any of them even turned out, because she was being such a stinker that day. She would not hold still! Thanks Teneale!

 We blessed the boys in October. Good thing Teneale had her camera, because I didn't get a single picture on mine! McKade was really nervous to do two blessings right in a row, he kept saying he hoped he didn't get the boys mixed up and bless them with the wrong names. haha. Of course he did great and the boys behaved themselves:)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Quote of the day..

Lily says the funniest things lately, I need to write more of them down! She is the biggest goofball ever (gets it from her dad, I think).  Today one of the boys was crying, big surprise. When isn't someone crying at our house anymore? Lily leaned down to him and said "Shhh! Baby brother you are making mommy nuts!"
The funny thing is, she was right on! I'm half way to the nut house most of the time lately.  Funny girl.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had a pretty fun Halloween this year. At first Lily did not get what was going on. I kept asking her what she wanted to be, and I showed her some costumes online. She was not impressed. She said "mom I don't want to be a hartoon!" (cartoon). Friday night McKade and Lily carved pumpkins, and Saturday night we went to our first trunk or treat! It decided to pour rain right as it was starting, so they moved it inside the church. Then we visited my dad and Grandma Berry. Lily was really hopped up on sugar by the end of the night!

 Pumpkin guts, gross!

We ended up recycling Lily's costume from last year.. still cute!

I asked her to smile pretty, this is what I got

Cute little skeletons

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall fun

Last week we took Lily to barnyard boo at thanksgiving point. We were going to be brave and take the whole family, but grandma Leslie said she'd babysit the boys, so it was just the three of us! They had all kinds of fun games and activities for the kiddos..Of course Lily wouldn't do any of them and insisted on being held most of the time. : /

Here she is eating the pumpkin cookie I had to frost for her...

Feeding the ducks with daddy, she kept saying "here ducks, eat your dinners!" This was probably her favorite part of the day..

On a wagon ride with mommy... the horses were wearing pink fairy wings!

And last of all, picking out her pumpkin. She didn't want any of them, because they were all "dirty." She wasn't too excited about it until we told her she could take her pumpkin home and paint it. She ended up painting for almost an hour!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're two months old!

I can't believe the twins are already two months! It seems like they were just barely born. They are starting to be more awake and alert (also more fussy) and have both been smiling for a few weeks now. They are looking more and more alike too. Even I get them mixed up occasionally now, I might have to starting painting a toenail or something. :) (I have no idea who's who in this picture!)

Two month stats:
Jet    weight: 10 lbs 4 oz (15th percentile)   length: 22.5 inches (30th percentile)
Jax  weight: 10 lbs 9 oz (21st percentile)    length: 22.5 inches (30th percentile)                

I was surprised at how much they have gained. At their two week appointment they were below the 10th percentile for weight!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

So beautiful...

What does a two year old do when left unattended with watercolors for 45 minutes? She decides after a while that painting on paper is boring and decides to paint.....her face of course!

Is this the first time she's done this? No. Did I know this would happen? Yeah, I had a pretty good idea it would. So why do I let her do it, you may ask. Well this little activity takes a good 45 minutes, both boys were actually napping at the same time, and on this particular day it was 2 PM and I still hadn't showered!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Diaper Duty

I LOVE it when ALL THREE bummies are poopy at the SAME time!  sigh...

plus, Lily's bum seems GIANT after wiping these little guys

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First photo shoot

My sis in law Teneale took these awesome pics of the twins when they were just 6 days old.



Monday, September 27, 2010

First day home

We took this pic the day we brought the twins home. I thought it would be cute to put them in the same seat. They snuggled right up to each other and went to sleep. So sweet and peaceful... man did they fool us!

At first Lily wanted nothing to do with the babies, now I can't keep her away. She always wants to help me feed them. This was when they were a few weeks old, she insisted on feeding them both by herself :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Birth Story

I realized the other day that the twins are already almost two months! Wow time really flies. Everyone always says to write down things your kids say or do, because you think you will remember but you really don't. I was thinking about Lily's baby days, and I can barely remember them! So I've decided to sort of use my blog as a journal, sorry if this is boring :)

Birth story...

Jet and Jax decided they would finally arrive on August 3rd, 2010, with the help of a little pitocin of course. When I found out I was having twins I thought I might go early on my own, no such luck. 38 weeks is considered full term for twins, so that's when they said they would induce me. I had to go to the office once a week and to L&D once a week for a NST (non stress test). Every week they told me they bet I would never make it to 38 weeks. I should have known better, because Lily was a whole week overdue! Apparently I am made to carry babies. We got to the hospital at 11 am. The nurse checked me and I was at 3cm, but not in labor or having any contractions at all. So she started my IV, and got the pit going. I had to have a separate monitor for each baby plus the contraction monitor strapped across my belly. It was the most uncomfortable thing ever. My doc came and broke my water before I had my epidural, not recommended. They had told me I could have it before, but I was putting it of as long as possible because I HATE needles. I know I know I'm a nurse who hates needles. I have no problem poking others, I just don't want them in me. :) Of course the epidual sucked, it hurt a lot worse this time. Right after it was in, the line wouldn't flush because there was a clot in the tubing. The CRNA said he might have to redo the whole thing, and I wanted to slap him. He got it working though and it was all good after that. Finally at 5:45 I was fully dilated. They wheeled my bed into the OR, I had to have them there in case baby B turned and I had to have a c-section. There were at least 10 people in the room, not kidding. 2 docs, 2 labor nurses, 2 techs, 2 respiratory therapists, 2 nursery nurses, and of course me and my hubby. Jet was born at 5:48, and Jax just four minutes later at 5:52. They were worried right after Jet was born, because Jax's cord prolapsed. But he was out quickly and everyone was perfect!  The delivery room was so loud with both babies crying. They handed me both of them, and I think I was in shock a little bit. My facial expression on the video is funny, I just kept looking from one to the other and saying "this is crazy." And yes I still look at both of them and think that! Lily was funny when they brought her in, she kept pointing to the babies and saying "another one?"
Birth Stats:
Jet ~  weight: 5 lbs 12 oz         Jax ~ weight: 6lbs 5 oz
          length: 19 inches                      length: 19 inches

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I give in...

Everyone is always asking me if I have a blog, and why I don't. I always have had some excuse for not blogging: in school, too busy, too prego, whatever. Though I have to confess I love looking at everyone elses blogs. The other day my husband, of all people, asked me why I didn't have a blog and called me a slacker. Hmm.. So here it is and we shall see how it goes. Maybe this will motivate me to take more pictures of the kiddos, since I am also slacking in that area :)