Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had a pretty fun Halloween this year. At first Lily did not get what was going on. I kept asking her what she wanted to be, and I showed her some costumes online. She was not impressed. She said "mom I don't want to be a hartoon!" (cartoon). Friday night McKade and Lily carved pumpkins, and Saturday night we went to our first trunk or treat! It decided to pour rain right as it was starting, so they moved it inside the church. Then we visited my dad and Grandma Berry. Lily was really hopped up on sugar by the end of the night!

 Pumpkin guts, gross!

We ended up recycling Lily's costume from last year.. still cute!

I asked her to smile pretty, this is what I got

Cute little skeletons


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awww, they all look SO cute; glad you guys had a nice Halloween! Jet & Jax look like they're growing fast, tell 'em to slow down so they're not too big when they see us again! ;)

  3. Hey Shereice!!! The twins are soooo cute! I don't know how you are doing it with 2 babies! Everyday I'm having a bad day with my 1 baby, I think of how much fun you must be having with 2 babies! So I had to comment because our kids were the same thing for halloween- Sophie was Tinkerbell (same exact costume as Lily) and Mia was a skeleton! Haha. I'll probably see you at work sometime! Hope you're doing great!
