Thursday, September 23, 2010

I give in...

Everyone is always asking me if I have a blog, and why I don't. I always have had some excuse for not blogging: in school, too busy, too prego, whatever. Though I have to confess I love looking at everyone elses blogs. The other day my husband, of all people, asked me why I didn't have a blog and called me a slacker. Hmm.. So here it is and we shall see how it goes. Maybe this will motivate me to take more pictures of the kiddos, since I am also slacking in that area :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! I am the first to comment on your new cute blog! I am so excited you started one; now I can see my cute Lily & twins more often and hear what you guys are up too since we live far away. :(

    I love blogging; and seriously think it's the best/easiest way to keep a journal...I'll even help you turn it into a book after awhile....if you want... ;)

    I loved reading your birth story; you are smart to record it now b/c sadly we do forget things; even BIG events & moments in our lives. I am so grateful Jet & Jax arrived safely; and quickly; they are adorable! We are grateful we could finally meet them.

    Keep the great posts coming!
