I just had to post something that Lily said about a week ago, I have been laughing about it ever since and I don't want to forget! She's very in to counting things lately, along with shapes and her ABC's. I was getting her dressed the other morning, kind of in a hurry because both boys were crying, and this is what she says..
Lily: mom, did you remember that I have two legs?
Me: yes, I remember..(trying to hurry her along)
Lily: mom, do you have a middle leg?
Me: no, I have two just like you (still trying to hurry her along, didn't see AT ALL were she was going with this..)
Lily: well, my daddy has a middle leg
At this point I busted up laughing and couldn't stop. She just looked at me with this dead serious look on her face like "what, he does.. why is that funny?" Needless to say, McKade will be a little more careful about getting dressed in front of her!