Monday, April 25, 2011

More Easter fun...

We had another egg hunt at my grandmas the day before Easter. How many egg hunts does one little girl need? There are tons of kids on that side, and they had huge bowel fulls of plastic eggs they hid. My grandmas yard is really big, so there were lots of places to hide them.

 These four little kids dyed about three dozen eggs (and themselves)  in about ten minutes.

We had lots of fun this Easter, and Lily keeps asking when the next egg hunt is !

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter fun

We had the annual Colledge-Smith family Easter party on Monday night. We roasted hot dogs for dinner, then the older kids had a fun scavenger hunt, while the younger kids found their eggs around the yard. They played plinko for money eggs and frosted Easter cookies!

Mckade was working and had to meet us at the party, which meant I had to get myself and three kids ready to go. I was getting myself ready, and Lily thought she'd help me out and get the boys ready! She snuck the spray bottle out of the bathroom, and by the time I caught her she had the twins hair soaking wet. They didn't even care at all. I yelled and asked her what she was doing and she said " don't worry. I'm just getting baby brothers handsome..."

Sorry boys, but I'm sure this won't be the last time your big sister gets a hold of you. I'm sure someday there will be makeup involved too.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Umm... Where's the other one?

We now officially have two crawlers and I don't understand why I thought I had it rough around here before. I loved the sitting up but can't crawl stage! It was by far the easiest. They were entertained sitting in front of toys and, most importantly, I knew where they were! I cannot keep track of the boys anymore and they are constantly crawling under or in the most random places. Jet takes off to explore the house and Jax follows right behind. 

Jax has also discovered he can pull himself up. Notice the hair sticking straight up? This is an inherited trait from McKade. Apparently his did this as a baby too. It doesn't matter what product I put in it, it ends up looking like this before very long.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the "middle leg"

I just had to post something that Lily said about a week ago, I have been laughing about it ever since and I don't want to forget! She's very in to counting things lately, along with shapes and her ABC's. I was getting her dressed the other morning, kind of in a hurry because both boys were crying, and this is what she says..

Lily: mom, did you remember that I have two legs?
Me: yes, I remember..(trying to hurry her along)
Lily: mom, do you have a middle leg?
Me: no, I have two just like you (still trying to hurry her along, didn't see AT ALL were she was going with this..)
Lily: well, my daddy has a middle leg

At this point I busted up laughing and couldn't stop. She just looked at me with this dead serious look on her face like "what, he does.. why is that funny?" Needless to say, McKade will be a little more careful about getting dressed in front of her!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring fever!

I am so beyond ready for it to warm up, we took advantage of the last few warmer days to get the kiddos out of the house. Poor Lily has been cooped up pretty much all winter! We loaded everyone up and went on a little family walk. McKade gets embarrassed pushing the double stroller because it's so long, he wouldn't pose for the picture :)

And just a few milestones to mention... Jet has been crawling (army crawling) for the last week or so. They both get up on their hands and knees and rock, but only Jet has figured out how to go anywhere. They were both playing toys in the living room while I was making dinner. I heard a little noise behind me and looked back to see this little fella making his way around the corner to come visit me! (Jax just sits in the living room and screams his head off because he can see me but he can't get to me.)

And the most thrilling news of all... I officially no longer have THREE kids in diapers. Hurray!