Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had a pretty fun Halloween this year. At first Lily did not get what was going on. I kept asking her what she wanted to be, and I showed her some costumes online. She was not impressed. She said "mom I don't want to be a hartoon!" (cartoon). Friday night McKade and Lily carved pumpkins, and Saturday night we went to our first trunk or treat! It decided to pour rain right as it was starting, so they moved it inside the church. Then we visited my dad and Grandma Berry. Lily was really hopped up on sugar by the end of the night!

 Pumpkin guts, gross!

We ended up recycling Lily's costume from last year.. still cute!

I asked her to smile pretty, this is what I got

Cute little skeletons

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall fun

Last week we took Lily to barnyard boo at thanksgiving point. We were going to be brave and take the whole family, but grandma Leslie said she'd babysit the boys, so it was just the three of us! They had all kinds of fun games and activities for the kiddos..Of course Lily wouldn't do any of them and insisted on being held most of the time. : /

Here she is eating the pumpkin cookie I had to frost for her...

Feeding the ducks with daddy, she kept saying "here ducks, eat your dinners!" This was probably her favorite part of the day..

On a wagon ride with mommy... the horses were wearing pink fairy wings!

And last of all, picking out her pumpkin. She didn't want any of them, because they were all "dirty." She wasn't too excited about it until we told her she could take her pumpkin home and paint it. She ended up painting for almost an hour!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're two months old!

I can't believe the twins are already two months! It seems like they were just barely born. They are starting to be more awake and alert (also more fussy) and have both been smiling for a few weeks now. They are looking more and more alike too. Even I get them mixed up occasionally now, I might have to starting painting a toenail or something. :) (I have no idea who's who in this picture!)

Two month stats:
Jet    weight: 10 lbs 4 oz (15th percentile)   length: 22.5 inches (30th percentile)
Jax  weight: 10 lbs 9 oz (21st percentile)    length: 22.5 inches (30th percentile)                

I was surprised at how much they have gained. At their two week appointment they were below the 10th percentile for weight!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

So beautiful...

What does a two year old do when left unattended with watercolors for 45 minutes? She decides after a while that painting on paper is boring and decides to paint.....her face of course!

Is this the first time she's done this? No. Did I know this would happen? Yeah, I had a pretty good idea it would. So why do I let her do it, you may ask. Well this little activity takes a good 45 minutes, both boys were actually napping at the same time, and on this particular day it was 2 PM and I still hadn't showered!