Monday, January 23, 2012


I have to say, that with me hating the snow and all, this has probably been my most very favorite winter. I can't say the same for poor Lily, though. She got snow clothes from Santa, and she has been dying to use them. Finally, after many days practicing making snow angels on the kitchen floor, it snowed a whole two inches! I stayed in the toasty warm house with the boys, while Lily made about fifteen snow angels.

I was feeding the boys lunch when Lily knocked on the back door demanding a "carrot nose." She had rolled all the balls for a snowman and stacked them up by herself! I didn't know she even knew how. She even found some little twigs from a tumble weed to make arms and some rocks for the eyes and mouth. 

She then decided her snowman was in fact a "snowman princess" and just wouldn't be complete without a tiara. She asks me every day when she can play in the snow again!

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