Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy birthday to Lily!

I am a very bad blogger lately. Lilys birthday was March third, and it's now April and I just realized it! She had a very fun birthday and got spoiled rotten! (She kept asking if Ava and Anabelle were going to take an airplane to her party:) We sure do miss those cousins!

At four Lily likes:
Playing barbies, watching Barbie in a Mermaid Tale
Watching Disney princess movies
Coloring, cutting, painting, gluing...for hours at a time
Knows how to write all her letters, can spell her name and a few other short words
Doing puzzles
Singing primary songs at the top of her lungs
Going to gymnastics
Playing doctor with her "doctor tools". She knows what each one's for, and gives an evil little laugh when her "patient" (me) has to get a shot.
Asking a million questions a day. "just because" is no longer an acceptable answer from me ;)

Stats: 32.8 lbs (31%)  40.5 inches (67%)

Friday, February 24, 2012

18 months

Didn't I just do this? Well I learned my lesson from the last doctors appointment, and this time McKade came with me. The boys are right on track with their development, and are healthy overall, despite them both being sick almost the entire month of January. As most of my posts usually involve the boys doing something naughty, I thought I should document the rare event of them actually being nice to each other. They started out sitting about two feet apart, and were trying to kiss each other, so I slid them together. Aww..

Jax: weight 23 lbs 7 oz (18%)   length 33.75 inches (87%)
His personality is coming out more and more. He loves loves loves the tag on his blankie. Loves to run it through his fingers, put his finger in it, loves to rub it against his cheek, and thinks everyone else wants him to do this to them too. He searches the edges of his blankie frantically when he's upset, looking for his tag. So cute..

Jet: weight 22 lbs (6%) length 33.5inches (82%) 
We got the boys a little basketball hoop for Christmas, it's probably about 4 ft tall. This little man can make a basket from a few feet back, from many angles, and often with a sippie in his other hand. And he doesn't just make it in, he "swishes" it. Yes, that just might be a little tear in the corner of McKades eye ;)

The boys have aways been on the smaller side with their weight, but have always gone up on the growth curve, untill this last time. Jet actually went down this visit. Our pediatrician was a little concerned, but said we'd watch and see what his weight is at 21 months. So if anyone has any helpful hints for helping little string beans gain weight, I'm all ears!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why it's only a matter of time before we end up in the ER

And also why we had to spend a fortune on a fancy new gate Jet can't climb.  These boys have no fear, and it is SCARY..

Monday, January 23, 2012


I have to say, that with me hating the snow and all, this has probably been my most very favorite winter. I can't say the same for poor Lily, though. She got snow clothes from Santa, and she has been dying to use them. Finally, after many days practicing making snow angels on the kitchen floor, it snowed a whole two inches! I stayed in the toasty warm house with the boys, while Lily made about fifteen snow angels.

I was feeding the boys lunch when Lily knocked on the back door demanding a "carrot nose." She had rolled all the balls for a snowman and stacked them up by herself! I didn't know she even knew how. She even found some little twigs from a tumble weed to make arms and some rocks for the eyes and mouth. 

She then decided her snowman was in fact a "snowman princess" and just wouldn't be complete without a tiara. She asks me every day when she can play in the snow again!