So here she is with her giraffe. After she got to see that she was more excited about the other animals
Jet and Jax had to view the animals from the stroller
Tiger. Can you tell she's a little afraid of it? I don't blame her, they're a lot bigger than you think!
I got volunteered to ride the carousel with Lily. (blah motion sick. I'm a wuss)
Measuring up
We attempted to get the boys out of the stroller and of course they took off running in opposite directions. McKade went after one, I went after the other, and Lily was left standing bawling in the middle. It's ridiculous, we can"t take them anywhere! They did have fun at the little playground place, but it was definitely exhausting for us chasing them around. Other parents were sitting on the bench relaxing, watching their kids play, and seriously laughing at us trying to keep track of ours.
A few hours at the zoo with these wild animals was definitely enough for us!