Thursday, February 3, 2011

6 months already?

I really can't believe the boys are six months! It makes me sad how fast they grow. They have both been growing and doing lots of fun new things. They can each roll over both ways now, they laugh and laugh at McKade and Lily, and Jax sprouted two little teeth a few weeks ago! Jets gums are a little swollen, so I think we have a few more chompers on the way.
6 month stats:
Jet: weight~ 15 lbs 4 oz (10th percentile)  length~ 27 1/4 inches (75th percentile)
Jax:weight~ 15 lbs 14oz (25th percentile) length~ 26 1/4 inches (50th percentile)

And of course I had to post a few pictures of this little girl, who is doing and saying the funniest things lately. No one believes me when I tell them how much she loves her veggies, now I've got proof! I was making dinner, and she got this giant piece of raw broccoli out of the crisper and went to town! She didn't even eat her dinner... Just look at her digging in!

Earlier that day she kept asking me where my "listen" was.. I finally figured out she was talking about my stethoscope. She listened to the stuffed puppy, both boys, and she made me pull up my shirt so she could listen to my belly, this was  how that conversation went:

Lily: let me listen to your belly belly.... Oh, I hear some babies in there!
Me: oh really? I think we have enough babies around here. Don't you?
Lily: No. We need ONE more.
Me: We do?
Lily: Yes, a boy baby.

Huh. I'm not even close to being convinced that is true....


  1. Your kids are so cute:) I can't believe how big the boys are getting it's so sad how fast they grow but it only gets funner right? and little Lilly is a doll she looks like a nurse in training LOL and I love that she likes her vegies that's so good sense my 5 year old won't touch them ... you did a super cute job on the nusery by the way too :)

  2. Your boys are bigger than my little one! And they sure are cute.

  3. sheriece!!! ur kids are sooooo cute!!! I haven't talked to you for forever!! I'm so glad I came across your blog. I would love to stay in touch somehow. I have a blog too. If you would like I can invite you. Just give me your email address. I would love to talk and catch up, well your probably so busy. So email works too. :) Email me at Lilly is sooo big since the last time I saw her. She is a doll! By the way this is Lacey, I'm not sure what it will say when I post.
