Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Best Buddies

Lately whenever the boys are laying next to each other, they always try to hold hands. It's so stinking cute! Jax always tries to eat Jets hand too. I couldn't get a picture of that, because Jet doesn't put up with it for very long. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New pictures and baby blessing

 I had some long overdue pictures of Lily taken. I'm surprised any of them even turned out, because she was being such a stinker that day. She would not hold still! Thanks Teneale!

 We blessed the boys in October. Good thing Teneale had her camera, because I didn't get a single picture on mine! McKade was really nervous to do two blessings right in a row, he kept saying he hoped he didn't get the boys mixed up and bless them with the wrong names. haha. Of course he did great and the boys behaved themselves:)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Quote of the day..

Lily says the funniest things lately, I need to write more of them down! She is the biggest goofball ever (gets it from her dad, I think).  Today one of the boys was crying, big surprise. When isn't someone crying at our house anymore? Lily leaned down to him and said "Shhh! Baby brother you are making mommy nuts!"
The funny thing is, she was right on! I'm half way to the nut house most of the time lately.  Funny girl.