So here are the nine month stats:
Jet: 18 lbs 5 oz (13%) 29 inches (71%) head 46cm (67%)
Jax: 18 lbs 13 oz (19%) 30 inches (92%) head 46.5cm (80%)
so basically they are really long and skinny with big heads ;)
Jet likes
crawling everywhere
pulling up to things
taking baths and splashing
his blankie
Eating puffs (without gagging finally), and other things found on the floor
stealing toys/binkies from his brother
waving bye-bye
playing under the kitchen table
Now has eight teeth (six of which came in at the
same time!)
Jax likes
following Jet wherever he goes
pulling up to things
walking behind Lily's pink stroller/walker
taking baths (throws a FIT when it's time to get out)
his blankie
Eating puffs
laying on Jet and laughing when he cries
Saying "dada"
Now has six teeth (four of which came in at the same time Jet was getting his six, yeah it's been teething hell around here!)
Here's a look at what they've been up to, and in to, lately...
We got to visit my new little niece, Oaklee Jade, and Lilys first cousin on my side. Adorable!